Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Life Binder Reorganization

I am not OCD. Anyone who comes to my house would call me everything but OCD, and quite frankly organized. I didn't always use to be this way. As a matter of fact, I actually used to be super OCD and organized. When I first moved out on my own I had asked the guy I was dating to bring over a mop for me to borrow. I ended up on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor with a sponge because it wasn't clean enough. "If I can't eat off this floor then it's not clean!" I also used to iron ALL my clothes. Underwear and jeans included. I used to have a binder that I put everything in. Meal plans, Cleaning schedules, work schedules, recipes, etc. Everything you can think of was in this binder.

These days, my husband is lucky if his clothes make it to the "put away" stage. My dishes end up piled in the sink till it's intolerable and we have to order out because there isn't anything to cook with. I wouldn't say I'm lazy. More tired, unorganized than anything these days. My binder isn't put together like I want it to be. Between moving several several times, and life changes... my binder is now.... very sad and unorganized. This week I am tackling the task of getting that sucker back to the way it's supposed to be.

I have sketches of what I want my sheets to look like. I've looked up things like how to keep a good life binder. I've even thought of doing two separate binders so it's not so... bulky. I want a budget binder, and a JuJuBee Stitches binder. I may even make a binder for this blog. (I tend to write things out before putting them on the blog. I have ideas jotted down but nothing beyond that at the moment) I used to use excel for all my budgets and all my sheets but I somehow no longer have office on my computer. So I'm going to probably do most of this free hand or on graphing paper with sharpie. I love love LOVE Sharpie!

So wish me luck. I'm thinking once I get the life binder in order that my actual life will just fall into place, hoping anyways.

Oh... and I discovered what a FiloFax is... that's totally the number one item I want for Christmas!