Friday, December 16, 2016

Oops 1+ Year Later!

I just realized that I haven't been on here in a long long while. Over one year later here I am lol.

Lets see... what' all has happened.

11 stitches. Such a trooper
In August 2015, Little Man got bit by a dog we bought the day after we got him. Poor guy got 11 stitches, but was a trooper and didn't move while they were getting put in. He was in and out of the hospital the next week several time (5 visits all together). Now It's barely noticeable. No he doesn't have a fear of dogs.

I created a monster with him and Lego though. He will NOT stop obsessing about Lego. He's mostly into the Lego men. He loves Star Wars. His birthday this year was all Star Wars. He LOVED it. And it was the first birthday that I did 98% all by myself. I now know why Parent's do store bought cakes. There was SOOO much to do. The cake was no where near what I was wanting.

He's now into Minecraft which I love and hate at the same time. That's all he wants to do. But it gets him to eat his dinner 100%. Which is the important part right?

Also, speaking of store bought cakes. We did one for Baby Girl's birthday this year. I had my MIL help with decorations. My friends helped set up. Planning that one was way easier. I had family and friends helping with set up and everything. SO MUCH BETTER. Just kinda bummed that the cake was store bought. I much rather have homemade.
Baby Girl learning to play her new guitar

But both their birthdays were amazing and fun. Their cousins from WA were able to make it to Little Man's and Baby Girl had friends come over with their cousins. It was a lot of fun for them.

My love switched jobs. That was a hard bullet to take but I'm the one who pulled the trigger on that one. He was just so stressed and it was such a heavy burden on both of us. He's re-enrolled in school, and now works security. Although he says he hates his job, I know he feels better being able to work. AND he gets paid weekly which is a HUGE help to us. Even though with the car getting paid off we aren't so financially strapped.

I also started working somewhere else which came with a huge pay increase! by at least 50%! And it was right after he originally stopped working. It was a GODSEND. Things literally just fell into place as we were needing things to. God does provide when we need it the most. I'm loving my job. It's so much less stressful. Aside from a couple coworkers that complain, the staff is amazing. I haven't been able to say I love my job in so long. Usually it's just a honeymoon phase and once everything fades it's like walking into hell from 10pm-6am. But not here. It's THAT amazing.

Percy with his little human 
We got a new dog. He's almost 1. Still a puppy. His name is Percy and I love him to pieces. Even though sometimes he's a huge PITA. Can't figure out how to get him to stop chewing. I'm hoping it's a phase or we may have some SERIOUS issues soon. He's to much of a love bug. He wants attention from everyone. Which is where we run into problems. Like running into the street because he wants to play with the neighbor kids. He LOVES kids. He and little man are practically attached at the hip. The play together, cuddle, and love on each other. And Percy is amazing with littles too. Which is a huge relief. I was worried when we have a baby that Percy wouldn't take to well to the idea. But he did well with my baby niece who I can't say was very gentle.

And now.... on to the topic of babies. Oh how I yearn for a baby. Jumping from doc to doc was a nightmare. And right when I think I found the one.... it ended just as soon as it started. Thank you ex-husband. Oh well... just gotta keep pushing. The doctor I have now is very much "Lets get you pregnant and this is how we will do it" which is great. But it doesn't fix the issues that are preventing it.

My sister found out she has something called an MTHFR mutation. the C677T mutation. This apparently runs in families... which is a HUGE problem. The test itself can be very expensive. And the online test you can do, is equally as expensive. The doctors who treat such problems are naturopathic doctors. Which means they are ALSO expensive, just because they don't take insurance. Everything has to be out of pocket. Do I have this mutation, I don't know. My Dr told me to just assume I have it and adjust accordingly.
Kids with Santa Bob 2016

So... I bought myself some supplements.... Methylfolate. That crap is AMAZING. My life has been changed forever!. I have so much energy. I feel normal for the first time in forever. I'm no longer poisoning myself. I'm getting some nutrients my body so desperately needed. And if anyone wants some good videos to watch on Folic Acid they should watch "Folic Acid Is Affecting you Negatively" by Dr Ben Lynch on YouTube. It was a real eyeopener. Who knew that one little vitamin could do so much for your system. One little vitamin!

Since I started taking them I have had a huge increase in my mood, my energy. I'm actually getting things done around the house. My anxiety is pretty much gone. Oh... and I'm losing weight! So far... 13 lbs and all I have done is started taking vitamins that my body so desperately needed. I feel like a whole new person.

So far everything is lined up nicely for a fantastic 2017. 

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