Saturday, December 13, 2014

Happy Hooking.... Kinda

Between work and... well work... I have been trying my hardest to find the time to crochet to my hearts content. I want to open up JuJuBee Stitches with LOTS of products. However I'm finding it difficult.

Work has been hectic and my life in general has been super busy. I've set aside all the small projects to work on one big one so production is at a complete stand still. There was a couple purchases though so I'm super happy about that.

In January I'm dropping a day of work every week so I can get some more projects out of the way. It's so hard to find time for everything sometimes. Thankfully TV shows and music don't require your complete attention or else I would never fit in my shows and my yarn addiction.

I also noticed the other day that I'm primarily doing just baby booties. Which I don't mind at all. At least I found something that works with my undying baby fever. Bonus is that my cousin and family all get some pretty darn cool baby booties.

I have been working on some hats, and some stockings. I have a ton of patterns written up to. Things are/were going along really well. I'm happy to have thought of this business venture. Just wish that it would go just a TINY bit faster.

Another problem I've come up with is I am COMPLETELY retarded when it comes to describing the darn products. I'm definitely not that good at sales pitches. I can't sell ice to Eskimos LOL. It takes me forever to come up with more than "It's baby booties... made of yarn" I will get the hang of it eventually.

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